Digital Resources
Use your library barcode and pin # to access
Linkedin Learning (training and job skills videos)
Northstar Digital Literacy (basic computer skills)
Legal Information Reference Center (Includes NOLO guides and forms)
Consumer Health Complete (ebsco)
Consumer Health (proquest)
ABI/INFORM trade and Industry (info about companies and industries dating back to 1971)
New York Times free website access (requires email registration)
Local Newspapers 1891-2010 (Only Accessible within the library)
Newsstream (search U.S. Newspapers by topic)
CultureGrams (learn about other states & countries)
eLibrary (introductory reference database for students and educators)
SIRS Discoverer (reference database for upper elementary and middle school learners)
Research Library (Proquest)
EBSCOhost Research Database (ebsco)